Sunday, January 17, 2010

Monitoring for Haiti Traffic on the Emergency Nets

I have moved my shack out of the bedroom and into the office. I am running 2 antennas - a longwire at about 20 feet strung up N/S and a G5RV jr. dipole at 20 ft going NNE/SSW. I seem to have a pipeline to Maine and Texas :-) This week, I have spent a lot of time listening for any traffic coming out of Haiti. I haven't heard any personally, but understand they have made contact with a few hams down there. I am hearing reports that they are so desperate that some aid groups have had to pull back their crews after getting attacked. The situation is pretty bad from what I'm hearing. I have been monitoring 3.720, 7.045, 7.265, 14.265 and 14.300MHZ.

MMMM Electric Snow Doughnuts!!!!

Since I'm not allowed to commute until the ice is off the street (by order of the boss), I decided to run amok the other day doing Electric Snow Doughnuts in the driveway and running through the yard. Afterward, I realized that the lawn may not have been as frozen as I thought and that I may be making a resodding entry in the Spring. :-)